All tagged 2024

Turn the Crop Loose

To unshackle farmers from the regulatory burden and legal risk they face with growing industrial hemp, a professor at Texas A&M University (TAMU) aims to create novel hemp plants with a different chemical make-up and distinct physical appearance.

Under this concept, these plants would be devoid of cannabinoids, the chemical substances like cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) normally found in hemp, said Prof. Russell W. Jessup, who oversees TAMU’s hemp-breeding program, in an interview.

The Motorcycle's Fibrous Fenders

Catching my eye at the recent Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., was a sleek electric motorcycle on display with white fenders.

The motorcycle was the new S2 Mulholland model from LiveWire. This bike is significant because it represents a historic breakthrough for the fledgling domestic hemp industry. That's because its front and rear fenders are made with a composite material that contains fiber from the stalks of American-grown hemp plants.