All in Hemp Hurd

Turn the Crop Loose

To unshackle farmers from the regulatory burden and legal risk they face with growing industrial hemp, a professor at Texas A&M University (TAMU) aims to create novel hemp plants with a different chemical make-up and distinct physical appearance.

Under this concept, these plants would be devoid of cannabinoids, the chemical substances like cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) normally found in hemp, said Prof. Russell W. Jessup, who oversees TAMU’s hemp-breeding program, in an interview.

The Motorcycle's Fibrous Fenders

Catching my eye at the recent Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., was a sleek electric motorcycle on display with white fenders.

The motorcycle was the new S2 Mulholland model from LiveWire. This bike is significant because it represents a historic breakthrough for the fledgling domestic hemp industry. That's because its front and rear fenders are made with a composite material that contains fiber from the stalks of American-grown hemp plants.

Establishing Hemp's Foundation

Hemp-based building materials were among the select group of housing innovations on display for policymakers and the public in mid-June 2023 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

This year marked the first time that hemp had a presence at the Innovative Housing Showcase, an outdoor event which the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsor on the national stage. 2023 was the showcase's third installment; another is planned in 2024.